Shea Butter Unscented White - 4 oz


  • Model:M-182UW
  • UPC/EAN:0672972001745
Availability: 1 in stock


Shea Butter Unscented White - 4 oz

Unscented White Shea Butter: Pure and Natural Skin Care

What is Unscented White Shea Butter?

Unscented white shea butter is a pure, refined version of shea butter that has been processed to remove its natural scent and color. Extracted from the nuts of the shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa), this butter retains all the moisturizing and healing properties of natural shea butter, making it an excellent choice for those who prefer a neutral scent in their skincare products. Ideal for sensitive skin, unscented white shea butter provides deep hydration and nourishment without any added fragrances or colors.

Benefits of Unscented White Shea Butter
  • Deep Moisturization: Rich in essential fatty acids and vitamins A, E, and F, unscented white shea butter deeply moisturizes the skin, leaving it soft and supple.
  • Neutral Scent: With no added fragrances, this shea butter is perfect for those with sensitive skin or fragrance sensitivities.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: The natural compounds in shea butter help to reduce inflammation and soothe irritated skin.
  • Skin Healing: Promotes cell regeneration and healing, making it effective for treating minor cuts, burns, and scars.
  • Non-Greasy Formula: Absorbs quickly into the skin without leaving a greasy residue, making it ideal for everyday use.
How to Use Unscented White Shea Butter

Unscented white shea butter can be used in various ways to harness its full benefits:

  • As a Daily Moisturizer: Apply a small amount to your face and body after a shower to lock in moisture and keep your skin hydrated.
  • For Hair Conditioning: Use it as a leave-in conditioner by applying a small amount to damp hair, focusing on the ends, or as a deep conditioning treatment by applying generously and leaving it on for an hour before washing it out.
  • To Treat Skin Conditions: Apply directly to affected areas to soothe and heal conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or dry patches.
  • For Lip Care: Use shea butter as a natural lip balm to keep your lips soft and hydrated.
  • In DIY Beauty Recipes: Incorporate shea butter into homemade lotions, creams, and balms for an all-natural beauty routine.
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes Unscented White Shea Butter different from other shea butters?

Unscented white shea butter is refined to remove its natural scent and color, making it ideal for those with sensitive skin or fragrance sensitivities. Despite the refining process, it retains its moisturizing and healing properties.

Can Unscented White Shea Butter be used on sensitive skin?

Yes, unscented white shea butter is gentle and suitable for sensitive skin. Its lack of added fragrances and colors makes it ideal for those prone to skin irritations or allergic reactions.

How should Unscented White Shea Butter be stored?

Store your shea butter in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. This helps to maintain its texture and preserve its beneficial properties. It can also be refrigerated to extend its shelf life.

Is Unscented White Shea Butter suitable for all hair types?

Yes, unscented white shea butter is beneficial for all hair types. It provides deep conditioning, reduces frizz, and promotes healthy hair growth, making it a versatile product for anyone looking to improve their hair health.

Can I use Unscented White Shea Butter on my baby’s skin?

Yes, unscented white shea butter is safe for use on babies. Its gentle and natural properties make it an excellent choice for moisturizing and protecting delicate baby skin.